Are you settling? How to take back control of your career success

Aug 29, 2024

Let me ask you a question. Are you settling in your career?

The other day I saw an Instagram post about the ‘dream job’ being dead. It encouraged people to accept a role which was ‘good enough’. One which is well paid and funds your life OUTSIDE work.

And I get why this advice may resonate in the current economic climate.

According to recent data by the New York Federal Reserve, more people are worried about losing their jobs right now than they have been in the past decade. Another Australian survey found the majority of individuals are putting their job moves on hold until the economy improves.

I think it’s absolutely fundamental to make sure your financial needs are met, have a strategy and minimise risk with any move. But this doesn’t mean you have to settle in your career.

As a high-performer, I know your career is important to you and a big part of your identity. So though the concept of a ‘dream career’ may seem unrealistic — I don’t agree that you have to ‘work to live’ or settle for a job which doesn’t challenge or fulfill you.

Because here’s the truth… You spend a THIRD of your life at work and your career has a big impact on your quality of life.

I believe it’s completely possible to do the work which lights you up, make an impact AND get paid well for it.

So HOW do you do this? By taking ownership of your career!

Read on to learn the common ways high-achievers settle in their careers and what YOU can do about it. You’ll discover the 5 essential first steps to take back control of your career — regardless of the economy, job market or your current life season.

Right now I’m talking to a lot of talented, ambitious individuals who are feeling:

  • Frustrated or stagnated in their current careers
  • Overwhelmed, exhausted and over-stretched from having to do more, with less resources, or
  • Anxious about making the wrong move and throwing away the time, money and energy invested into their existing careers

They want to:

  • Be challenged and fulfilled by their work
  • Find better balance and grow their careers in a more sustainable way, AND
  • Create certainty by taking back control of their careers

Can YOU relate?

Here are the 3 ways I see high-achievers settle in their careers:


This looks like accepting the first job which comes along to ‘fix’ the problem of being unfulfilled at work. But it’s an external ‘bandaid’ solution which fails to address the real issue: what’s missing in your current role and what YOU really want.

As a result, the same issues follow you to your next role. It’s the classic mistake so many people make: trying to fit yourself to a certain job, rather than making your career ‘work’ for you.

You see, the strategy you’ve been shown when you’re ready to reach the ‘next level’ in your career is to immediately start searching for a new position. And in uncertain times you’re more likely to settle for the ‘good enough’ job, believing it’s all you can get.


A client mentioned a friend she thought would benefit from working with me. This person had returned from a career break, was confused about her direction and feeling out of control in her career.

But she decided to hold off addressing it for a few years — at least until her kids were at school full-time. In short, it wasn’t the ‘right time’.

This individual isn’t alone. Many working mothers with young children experience the same challenge. Some take ‘any’ part-time role — regardless if they enjoy it or it supports their long-term career goals.

I also see both men AND women with big financial or lifestyle commitments mistakenly believe they have to hit pause on their careers due to their current life stage or season. Especially when the world feels so uncertain.


This form of settling can show up when you let your career unfold without considering your long-term goals and development. As a result, you have no control over your career and limit your progression to wherever your employer sends you.

Even if you’re happy and not looking to move roles right now, you could be missing out on opportunities to develop in your current career or redesign your existing role. This tendency to want to maintain the status quo is only heightened in the current climate. Especially if you believe — or the reality is — internal promotion opportunities are limited or it’s difficult to find a new position.

So now you’ve had a chance to reflect on the ways you could be settling in your career, let’s discuss what to do about it. Here are the five essential first steps to STOP settling and take back control of your career:


One of the most important initial steps you can take is developing self-awareness. The way we’re taught to manage our careers — or deal with dissatisfaction at work — is to look externally first. By immediately searching for a new job or trying to figure out your one ‘ideal’ career path.

As I often talk about, this method completely overlooks you. Instead, the strategy I teach starts from the ‘inside out’. By first understanding the impact you want to make through your work, what’s most important to you — and why.

What’s essential to you in your work and life? What are your unique strengths and what do you love to do? Knowing this is key to finding fulfillment and creating career sustainability.

Working through this process takes time, so NOW is the best time to start! There are two ways self-awareness helps supports you to take back control of your career…

First, it helps you identify what is and isn’t working in your current career. Once you know what’s missing, you can make changes to improve your immediate situation. Second, self-awareness supports you to clarify the right career goals — AND keeps you motivated to reach them.

A friend shared she plans to ‘figure out what she wants to do next’ in her career this year. But balancing a young child and a part-time job, she was struggling to find the time. Exhausted in the evenings, it was easier to fall onto the couch and switch off.

While acknowledging we all experience busy seasons, my suggestion is to focus on your priorities and purpose. We all have the same number of hours in the day and how you choose to spend your time is within your control. Knowing your vital needs will keep you on track to your goals — even during demanding times.

Because when you start with self-awareness, you will design a career which ‘works’ for you!


Another essential area to focus on first is learning to manage your mind. What stops you taking ownership of your career? It’s self-sabotage — or the fears, limiting beliefs and self-doubts holding you back.

The false beliefs which tell you the career you crave isn’t possible. Those negative thoughts saying you ‘should’ wait or put everyone else first. And the fears which stop you taking action towards what you DO desire.

Creating the career you want is 80% mindset. Begin working on it now! When you learn to manage your mindset, you regain control of your career success. 


Are you clear on your career direction and goals? Often what’s keeping you stuck and out of control is not knowing what to do next. But waiting until you need to figure this out urgently creates a lot of work — and pressure.

A better approach is to take your time with it — especially when the external environment feels so uncertain. Start taking small steps to explore different career paths and work out what you want.

The best way to do this is by talking to people about the work they do. This action alone will reveal more career possibilities, introduce you to new opportunities and give you clarity.

What you’re doing is networking — or connecting, as I prefer to call it. I often remind my clients of the importance of ‘ABC’. To ‘always be connecting’ and building their network — even when they’re not actively job-hunting or looking to change careers.

Here’s the bottom line. When you focus on one step at a time, you will clarify what you want — and take control of your career direction!


Once you’ve got clarity on your career direction, it’s vital to identify your development areas. Ask yourself: What skills and experience do I need to be successful in my future career?

Notice the gaps between where you are now — and where you want to go. Consider: What actions can you take to bridge these gaps?

Break bigger development areas down into smaller steps. If developing a new skill will take time, get started now. Focus on the first step, such as putting together your post-graduate application or putting your hand up to lead an extra project at work.

Remember: when you commit to driving your own development, you will have ownership of your career!


Are you holding off moving roles in the current climate or waiting for an internal promotion opportunity? NOW is the perfect time to make a plan!

 Start by getting clear on your long-term vision. What’s your vision for the career and life you want to create? By knowing where you want to be in future, you can easily identify the goals and actions you need to take to make your vision a reality.

Can’t reach the ‘next level’ in your career immediately? There are plenty of steps you can take right now, outside your day job, to find fulfillment AND gain practical experience.

Volunteer, begin a board role or start a side hustle. Use this time to bridge any development gaps and get the skills you need for your next career step! Because when you make a plan and start taking action, you will take back control of your career.

So there you have it. The 5 things you can do right now to stop settling and regain control of your career.

My hope is I’ve shattered the belief you need to settle and stay out of control during times of uncertainty. Because the truth is, you can’t control external circumstances — only yourself and how you respond to them!

Like further support to take back control of your career in the current climate? Here’s your first step…

Hit play on this free guided audio and in 15 minutes, I’ll give you all the tools and strategies you need to get started! Get it NOW.

Stacey Back is a Career Strategist, Leadership Coach + Founder of Profile Careers. She helps high-achievers at a career crossroads find the work that lights them up, increase their income, impact and create a career + life on their terms. Stacey works virtually with individuals and organisations based across the globe.