Career planning to progress and retain your high-performers, so that you future-proof your business

In a crowded marketplace, your people are your greatest competitive advantage. As it becomes increasingly difficult to attract top talent, it’s now crucial to develop and retain your best people.

By investing in the professional development of your people and linking career development to business strategy, you’ll create an engaged, high performing workforce to exceed competition and reach your potential in business.

I partner with organisations who are committed to continually developing their high-performing employees. I’ll help your senior leaders and high potential talent take ownership of their career development and become the best leaders possible. All so they can grow their careers with your business long-term — no matter what success looks like to them.


Your best people are likely experiencing one of the common challenges outlined below. Ambitious and at the top of their game, they’re seeking greater satisfaction and meaning in their work, better balance or to make an impact in their roles. Dedicated to their development, they’re ready to do the work to reach their full potential.



  • Lacking clarity on their career direction and goals — they’re feeling stuck or confused about what to do next
  • Feeling frustrated, unfulfilled — or at a stage in their career where they’re wondering where they can go next
  • Clear on their career goals but don’t know how to reach them — they’re overwhelmed and unsure where to start!


  • Looking to find a way to lead others which is aligned to their personality and values
  • Wanting to let go of control, learn to delegate and give their team members more autonomy and responsibility
  • Longing to make a greater impact in their role, on their team and bring the best version of themselves to their work


  • A high-performer after practical tools to manage perfectionism, maintain their mental health and prevent burnout
  • Needing help to build their self-belief and overcome imposter syndrome
  • Wishing to develop the confidence to put themselves out there, build their network and grow their client base


  • Wanting to learn how to balance managing a team and a busy workload
  • Keen to develop their time management skills to create space for strategic decisions and better balance across their life

I provide support in the following areas:

Career Development

  • Develop key employees to help them achieve their personal career goals and reach their highest potential
  • Align individual career goals and career development to business goals and company strategy
    • Improve performance to drive greater results and maximum growth for your business
    • Increase employee engagement and improve staff retention
    • Upskill top talent and supports future workforce planning

Leadership Development

  • Develop the leadership and interpersonal skills of senior leaders and high potential talent
  • Successfully integrate leaders into new roles or high potential hires into your organisation during the onboarding process
    • Heighten leadership effectiveness and amplify individual and team performance
    • Support employee retention
    • Aid succession planning and the development of your future leadership team

A word from Stacey

A word from Stacey

“I understand the issues impacting job performance in corporations. My professional background is in coaching, career development, HR and recruitment, working for global companies and as an independent business owner. During my corporate career, I grew my division into one of the highest performing businesses in the region, achieved record sales results over consecutive years, managed key corporate client relationships and led a team of consultants.

For over 15 years, I’ve coached hundreds of leaders in multiple industries on their career development goals. As an Executive Coach, I’m naturally drawn to the people side of business. I’m passionate about supporting organisations to grow and develop their teams and helping high-performers achieve their goals.

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A word from Stacey

“I understand the issues impacting job performance in corporations. My professional background is in coaching, career development, HR and recruitment, working for global companies and as an independent business owner. During my corporate career, I grew my division into one of the highest performing businesses in the region, achieved record sales results over consecutive years, managed key corporate client relationships and led a team of consultants.

For over 15 years, I’ve coached hundreds of leaders in multiple industries on their career development goals. As an Executive Coach, I’m naturally drawn to the people side of business. I’m passionate about supporting organisations to grow and develop their teams and helping high-performers achieve their goals.

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“Our aim was to provide our employees with guidance and a structure to approach their career planning in a proactive way and shift the reliance on managers to plan career pathways. We wanted our people to gain practical steps to take control of their career development, a new perspective on how to assess their values, passions and goals and a framework they could easily use and implement. Stacey delivered on all these objectives.”

— Zung Dang, Manager — Suncorp Group —

Our Solutions:

Career Development Workshops

I deliver key-note presentations or facilitate group training workshops on a variety of career development and leadership topics. For optimal results, learning can be successfully reinforced through one-on-one executive coaching. Topics include:

  • Career Planning with Purpose: How to take ownership of your career
  • Communicating with Confidence: How to have meaningful career conversation
  • Futureproofing Teams: How to develop and retain your best people
  • Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Check out my Speaking page for a full list of presentation topics or to schedule a complimentary, no obligation conversation to discuss your business needs.

Executive Coaching

As a signature service offering, I provide customised executive coaching programs to address key employee development areas. Prior to commencing any coaching engagement, I will meet with you to discuss your organisational goals and employee development needs. Then, I’ll suggest an appropriate solution which may include a combination of one-on-one coaching and training.

All executive coaching engagements start by establishing specific, measurable goals with your leader and their sponsor, if applicable. I then work through a structured methodology to deliver on both individual and organisational outcomes and stay in contact with you throughout the engagement. 


Chemistry Session

I offer an introductory session with each leader so we can assess whether the coaching fit is right and make a decision on working together. We’ll discuss the coachee’s current career challenges, leadership skills they’re looking to develop and their desired goals for the program.

Establishing Goals & Deliverables

In the initial session, I’ll do a de-brief of any 360 assessments and identify key development areas. Together with the leader and sponsor (if applicable), we’ll establish specific goals and deliverables to address the main development areas which will most impact the leader’s performance.

1:1 Coaching Sessions

Includes 1 x 90 minute session or 2 x 60 minute sessions per month. Sessions take place in person or via Zoom. Each session includes: a review of actions over the past month and progress towards goals, coaching on an immediate issue related to overall goals, key takeaways from the session, setting action steps and accountability for the following month.


We’ll do a mid-program review after 3 months (with the sponsor, if relevant) to evaluate the leader’s progress against program objectives. Together at the end of the six month program, we’ll review and measure the coachee’s progress to identify any areas requiring further development. 

Executive coaching outcomes:

  • Permanent transformation and development of core leadership and interpersonal skills of high potential leaders
  • Aligned individual and organisational vision, values and goals
  • Increased employee engagement, supporting you to retain your top talent
  • Improved internal relationships and greater collaboration and support within teams
  • Equips your workforce with the skills needed to navigate future market changes and outperform the competition
  • Investment in employee development aids staff retention and minimises the need for external recruitment, reducing expenditure and time spent on attracting, selecting and inducting new staff
  • Supports you to build a positive, fulfilling and high-performance workplace culture
  • Improved efficiency and performance, allowing your business to achieve outstanding results and maximise profits

Get in touch to arrange a complimentary, no obligation conversation to discuss your organisational needs.


“Prior to coaching, I had no business goals in place and was often distracted from what I truly wanted to achieve. Stacey identified my business needs from the beginning and guided me to implement systems to support my business growth.

Working with Stacey is like having someone convert the craziness in your head into a very clear, simple and concise plan. Business has tripled in 2 months but despite the sudden and unexpected growth, I’m not overwhelmed for a change. Coaching has made all these things possible!”

Jacinta, Legal Consultant 


Make an enquiry

Get in touch to arrange a complimentary, no obligation conversation to discuss your organisational needs.