‘All the insights and thought-provoking conversations have got me to a place of complete clarity and self-belief. It’s been an incredible journey!’

“Before coaching with Stacey, I had very little clarity around my strengths, values and future career direction. Overall, I was feeling quite lost around what I was doing, where I was going and my next steps. I wanted clarity on my long-term career vision, to be confident articulating my value and experience and to make a strategic career move within 6 months.

Since working with Stacey, I have greater clarity on the areas of work I enjoy and have transitioned into a new area of work I plan to stay in long-term.

I’m intentional about having conversations and making connections to further my career and feel much more confident reaching out to others (even strangers!) to discuss work options. I’ve also begun to observe others in leadership positions to identify what works, what doesn’t — and develop my own leadership style.

I’ve learnt to set short-term goals which keep me on track with my bigger vision. By breaking tasks down into bite sized steps, I’ve reduced overwhelm and increased my productivity. I also no longer feel guilty taking time out to recharge and reenergise.

Coaching with Stacey is like having someone inside your head extracting all the important and thought-provoking concepts enabling you grow and become a better version of yourself. She has an ability to interpret — with great clarity — the things which were unsaid but implied in our coaching conversations.

Stacey encouraged me to think more deeply during our sessions and held me accountable to my action steps, which allowed for greater insights and growth. It’s been an incredible journey — which has helped me get to a place of complete clarity and self-belief!”


‘This was an investment which delivered practically for me. Working with Stacey is one of the best things I’ve ever done!’

“Prior to working with Stacey, I was at a crossroads in my career. Through coaching, I evaluated my options and as a result of a clear decision-making process, I took ownership of my decision and understood why I made this choice.

I also have clarity on my professional strengths and values, which will guide my future career choices — and feel like I’m living my life more consciously.

Coaching with Stacey is like my true self has come out to show me the way forward. Like any skilled professional she is part art and part science — and her coaching frameworks are brought to life by an intuitive knowing. As a coach, Stacey is professional, structured, focused on her client and she synthesises each session into meaningful written feedback.

This was an investment which delivered practically for me. I have notes with lots of gold nuggets to revisit, tools to use and a sense of being understood. I highly recommend working with Stacey — it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done!


‘I’ve learnt to back myself, which has helped me negotiate my new position — and be more assertive about what I want’

“When I started working with Stacey, I was very unclear about what I wanted to do next in my career. I’d been through a tough time after leaving my previous employer with lots of runs on the board and landing in a role where I felt like I was just drifting. I wanted to unpack my career options within and outside law.

Through coaching, Stacey helped me be more assertive, rather than people-pleasing. I’ve progressed to an in-house role and this supported me with negotiating the terms of my new position. I will continue to back myself based on my experience and be more assertive about going for what I want moving forward — instead of accepting pre-conceived ideas.

Coaching with Stacey is like speaking to an advisor who is well organised and gets right to the heart of an issue, as she picked up my habits and priorities very quickly. She is intelligent, a great communicator and good at challenging pre-conceived ideas. Stacey is a real pro and has been great to work with!”


‘I’ve got clarity on what I want — and no longer view career management as an afterthought to my day job!’

“Before coaching with Stacey, I lacked purpose in my work and life. I was thinking short-term, caught up in the ‘hamster wheel’ of daily tasks in my current job and took a very logical, realistic approach to my career. This resulted in me putting my employer first and completely neglecting my own development and long-term goals.

Since working with Stacey, I’ve got clarity on what I want to achieve, what my ideal career looks like and the direction I want to head in the next six months. I’ve taken steps to make connections and develop new skills in this area.

I also became aware my logical approach to my career was stopping me from dreaming bigger and going after what I really want. This could have hindered my ability to reach my long-term goals and seen me limit myself to wherever my company sent me.

Through coaching, I’m clear on my values and have a deeper level of self-awareness about who I am. This has helped me acknowledge where I am, where I want to go and work towards achieving my goals. It’s also given me a greater sense of purpose about how I want to live, has supported my relationships and everyday habits and made me a positive, more motivated person.

As a coach, Stacey is very approachable and has been able to develop trust quickly – even over a fortnightly Zoom call. She’s a great communicator who asks the right questions at the right time. Stacey had a clear understanding of who I am, the ability to quickly recognise when I was falling into old habits and introduce tools and exercises to change this.

She held me accountable to these action steps, which helped me get the most out of this program. Overall, it was the perfect time in my career to work with Stacey and this process has helped me develop as a person in both my work and life. I now no longer view career management or personal development as an afterthought to my day job!”


‘I’m more willing to try something difficult before saying, ‘I can’t’ and now focus on what’s important to me — versus what’s ‘expected’!

“Before coaching, I was very lost and didn’t know where or how to start narrowing down my career options. There was also a strong feeling of discontentment in my life generally that seemed to stem from my unhappiness at work. I wanted clarity on my career path, a step-by-step plan to reach my career goals, to become aware of when I’m people pleasing and set boundaries.

Since working with Stacey, I have more clarity on what I value and what’s important to me from a career perspective. I feel better equipped to narrow down my next role utilising the steps and actions I’ve learned through the coaching process. I’ll continue to set clear and definitive goals in line with my values and ‘what’s important to me’ versus ‘what’s expected’.

I’m more aware now of when I’m people pleasing and have set boundaries which I’ve been able to maintain most of the time. I’ve also learnt I can’t change someone else’s behaviour and thinking — only my own. As a result, I now choose to focus on what I can control.

Coaching with Stacey is like having a fortnightly catch up with a friend who keeps you accountable and on track with your goals. She’s very approachable and was understanding of my ‘perceived’ limitations — but challenged me to push myself outside my comfort zone.

I’ve found I’m more willing to try something I think is too difficult before saying ‘I can’t’. I never thought I’d be comfortable enough to speak to have candid career conversations with people outside my network or circle!”

Manager, Accounting Firm

‘I had light bulb moments after every session and feel excited about my career!’

“Before coaching with Stacey, I felt like I was floundering with little direction about where to go next.

I was dissatisfied with my career situation, felt frustrated, trapped and like I wasn’t gaining any additional skills by staying where I was. I’d compare myself to others in my old workplace and feel inadequate. I wanted clarity on my strengths and values, to align these to my work and find direction in my career.

Coaching with Stacey is like a breath of fresh air! She asks the right questions to get me to dig deeper and think critically about all aspects of my work and life. As a coach, Stacey has an amazing ability to listen to what I’ve said, pull out the key themes and turn it into an action step for improvement.

I had light bulb moments after each and every session! I’ve got real clarity on what I’m actually good at and as a result, I’m focused on growing my strengths — and waste less time worrying about or trying to make up for my weaknesses. I’ve set boundaries around work so I’m more present with my family, feel satisfied in my work again and excited about what the future holds for me in my career!”


‘I’ve developed confidence, my self-worth — and it’s the most amazing feeling!’

“Before coaching, I knew I was capable of so much more — but had no plan or structure in place. We set goals and boundaries from the beginning, which ensured my return to work was smoother. I’ve been able to focus and switch off from anything getting in the way of my goals, without getting overwhelmed or anxious.

I’d found it challenging to say no for many years, didn’t know my worth or what I had to offer others. Through coaching, I’ve achieved significant personal growth, implemented strong boundaries and developed my confidence and sense of self-worth.

I’ve engaged different psychologists on occasion over the past 20 years and have achieved far more by working with Stacey — and in a very short timeframe!

Coaching with Stacey is an experience which gets you to the core of who you are, what you want and how to achieve it. She guides you to move your thoughts from negative past experiences to a positive, clear, future-focused mindset. Stacey is supportive and has the right amount of empathy, while encouraging you to move forward and achieve the next step.

I have found my true self — the person who existed before all these life experiences — and it is the most amazing feeling to find my centre again!’


‘I had a ‘breakthrough’ moment, realising what was important to me and to consider in my career’

“I was very impressed with the sessions I had with Stacey. Before I met Stacey, I was feeling a bit lost and directionless about where to start in exploring a career change.

Stacey took me through a number of exercises which helped me realise the types of things I’m looking for in a career, what my values are and how I might start to bring these two things together.

We had a ‘break through’ moment in one session where she was able to help me dissect a pivotal moment in my life; work out why it was so important and the personal values attached to this. Before this, I was not aware that these values were so important to me and something I need to consider when making decisions about my career.

Stacey has a warm and professional manner which made me very comfortable and I was able to really open up to her. I would be more than happy to recommend Stacey to any of my friends or colleagues.”

Legal Consultant

‘I now know what I want, not just what I don’t want in my career’

“Before coaching with Stacey, I had been going round in circles trying to work out what I wanted to do with my career. I felt lost and a bit hopeless. I wanted to work out what I actually wanted, find my ‘passion’ and know what to do next.

Since working with Stacey, I’ve realised I know what I want, not just what I don’t want. I’ve recognised I may not have my ‘dream job’ but I can find my passion and joy outside my 9-5. I’m clear on the steps I can take to move myself in the right direction.

As a coach, Stacey is genuine, caring, supportive, insightful and she pushes you to achieve what she knows you can. I stepped outside my comfort zone – repeatedly. I tackled the challenges of new work responsibilities and learnt how to bring my authentic self to work.

Coaching with Stacey is not a walk in the park. You have to put in the work — and sometimes, growth is uncomfortable. But you get so much out of it.”


‘Business has tripled in two months — but I’m not overwhelmed for a change!’

“Prior to coaching with Stacey, I had no business or personal goals in place. I was often distracted by other opportunities that would detract from what I truly wanted to achieve, professionally and personally.

Since working with Stacey, I’ve learned to make time for living first, business second. By saying no and keeping appropriate boundaries with people and events. On a deeper level, I’m clear on my values and what it is I want.

Stacey has greatly guided me with implementing business systems that will cater for the business as it continues to grow and to help deliver quality services to our clients. She identified my business needs from the beginning and this had an immediate impact on minimising chaos and helped me move in a positive direction.

Coaching with Stacey is like having someone convert the craziness in your head into a very clear, simple and concise plan. And having a person to bring you back to centre if you veer off course as you put that plan into action.

As a coach, Stacey is very approachable and can quickly gain insight into your greatest challenges. She helps narrow down the issues which need to be dealt with first and supports you to live your life in line with what you value. I now have complete clarity on what I want in my personal life and business.

I would never normally make decisions this quick! Business has tripled in 2 months and despite the sudden and unexpected growth, I’m not overwhelmed for a change. Your coaching has made all these things possible.”

Solicitor & Business Owner

‘I’ve identified what I really want, rather than just following the easy path!’

“Before coaching with Stacey, I lacked direction and had become overwhelmed by all the things I had to do. As a result, it was difficult for me to target tasks and do them. I procrastinated a lot and was indecisive about the direction I wanted my career to go.

Since working with Stacey, I’ve taken steps to raise my profile as an expert in my field and how to go about this has become a lot clearer. I feel more motivated as a result of clarifying the tasks I need to work on to be successful. I’ve made progress overcoming my fear of not being good enough and have received feedback from the market that’s helped calm this fear.

Coaching with Stacey is like unwrapping negative layers of inhibitions to discover what you want and need out of your career.

On a deeper level, identifying my values really made sense to me and helped me understand what it is that I need from my career. This has helped me identify and stick to my goals and be less indecisive about what I wanted to do with my career. The coaching has made me look at my career differently and hone in on what I really want, rather than just follow the easy path.

I have also been able to say no to work that I don’t want to do.

Stacey is supportive, encouraging, always upbeat and positive. She had strategies, creative ideas and helpful exercises that assisted me in discerning my personal values and purpose and forging a career path that honours these values and purpose. After each session, I felt reassured about my career potential and confident about myself and my abilities.”

Legal Consultant — Linda Widdup Consulting

‘I’ve learnt to say no — which kept me from drifting back to my previous path!’

“As a coach, Stacey is approachable, trustworthy and has a high level of integrity. I feel very comfortable sharing my life situation, ambitions and weaknesses. I really look forward to my sessions to keep me on track with my professional development and career opportunities!

I’ve also learnt it’s OK to say no, which has kept me from drifting back to my previous path. For this, I’m very grateful!”

Certified Financial Planner® + Non-Executive Director

‘I became more confident in my decisions and ability to build my business’

“Coaching with Stacey was an amazing experience. Stacey is a very intuitive coach, reads between the lines and reflects back observations based on what you’ve said (or possibly not said). She has an ease about asking questions that are powerful and focused on her client. I found her to be encouraging, supportive, and direct in a way that was non-threatening.

Stacey focuses on making sure her client gets the best outcome in identifying what’s important to them. She helped me remain accountable to action items and areas that were important to me.

Through coaching with Stacey, I learnt to listen to my instincts and be more confident in my decisions. Since I was starting a new consulting business, I benefited from Stacey’s background and knowledge as an entrepreneur. I became more confident in my skills and ability to build the business and accomplished a great deal during our time coaching together.”

HR Consultant & Entrepreneur

‘I’ve now got time to work on my business and the clarity I was desperately lacking’

“When I started coaching with Stacey, I was resenting working in my business. I felt a lack of control over my own time management. Everything in my business felt chaotic – a big mess.

I was also struggling with staff management. I wasn’t sure what was making me feel this way or how to address it but I wanted help to solve those problems. And I knew I wanted better work/life balance and clarity in my schedule. As a business owner, I have a small team I wasn’t managing that well. I needed structure and help with this too.

Since working with Stacey, I’ve managed to create a work schedule that allows me time to work on my business. This has given me the clarity I was desperately lacking. I’ve also found a way to lead my team that suits my personality and aligns to my values. In the past I found this very hard, as I’m not the traditional leader type. But by discovering a way to lead that works for me, I feel less resentful towards leadership. I’m more motivated to implement and develop these skills.

As a coach, Stacey has the ability to pick up on the areas you need to work on in order for you to lead a rewarding personal and professional life, aligned to your most important values. When we first started working together, I didn’t even know what my values were! She knows how to guide you in the direction that is right for you, using a variety of coaching methods.

You come out the other end realising what you need to do in order to achieve what you inherently desire from your personal and professional life.

Because of this ability, Stacey’s coaching impacts both your career and life. Our coaching sessions fly by so quickly. Afterwards, I’ve always felt so inspired, full of determination and hope for a more fulfilling and satisfied future.”

Business Owner – Enhance Skin Aesthetics

‘Stacey challenged me to look past typical thought patterns, to uncover hidden fears holding me back’

“Stacey helped to coach me through a life transition in which I was struggling to understand the barriers I had put in my own path to move forward. She was empathetic and thought-provoking, challenging me to take a step outside of my typical thought patterns and shift my perspective.

Even when I told her there was nothing more to uncover, she intuitively helped me see deeper beneath the surface of the problem and uncover hidden fears I hadn’t realised had been holding me back. She is an inspiring coach who is truly invested in helping you to reach your goals. I would highly recommend working with Stacey.”

Leadership Coach & Entrepreneur

‘I secured an offer in a new sector, where the employer saw the value in my experience’

“Stacey is a wonderful advisor and mentor. I first met Stacey three years ago when I was considering a career change and wanted to understand the legal market in Perth. She provided very useful and constructive information, as she has an in depth understanding of the Perth legal sector. This was crucial in my career choice at the time. Stacey later recruited me for a legal position in Perth and she was very professional throughout the entire recruitment process.

Recently, I have used Stacey’s career coaching services. I learned how to strategically format my CV so I presented my experience in a way that was more attractive to employers. She provided very detailed feedback and useful tools, and as always, she was very professional and personable.

By taking Stacey’s advice, I highlighted my key skills upfront. This allowed me to show how my experience linked together and complemented other skills. By using Stacey’s services, I was able to secure an employment offer in a new sector where the employer saw the value in my skill set and how it applied to their business.”


Ready to work together? Let’s get started now.


1:1 coaching for high-achievers at a crossroads in their careers. Find the work which lights you up, increase your income, impact and create a career on your terms.


Career management and career planning programs to progress and retain your high-performers, so that you futureproof your business.