Hi, I’m Stacey. Founder of Profile Careers — a specialist coaching company committed to helping you transform your professional life. I’m a global Career + Leadership Coach for ambitious high-performers who want to create a career, on their terms.

Stacey’s professional bio

You’re experienced and successful in your field. Your expertise may be in law, accounting, finance, HR, sales, marketing or another professional area. You’ve worked hard to get where you are and have hit all the big goals you’ve set for yourself. 

You’re in a management or senior leadership role — or have built a thriving business. The only problem is, you’re feeling frustrated, unfulfilled or at a crossroads in your career. You want to intentionally design your career and use your knowledge and experience to make a purposeful shift in a new direction.

But there’s a lot at risk. You’re worried about making the wrong choice — and don’t know where to start.

Whether you’re unsure what you want next or how to reach the next stage in your career, I can help.


I’m a career expert, professionally accredited coach and mentor to ambitious top performers. I believe the career and life you want is possible. My clients say I’m practical, strategic, direct and not afraid to ‘tell it like it is’ — but also inspiring and encouraging.

What does this mean for you? I’ll help you clarify your career direction and create a structured plan to get unstuck, move through fear and reduce risk with your next career move. All so you find the work that lights you up, increase your income and impact and create a career on your terms. 

My clients have secured pay-rises, promotions or moved into new roles within their current organisations. Others have transitioned into different industries, started their own ventures or changed careers completely. They’ve also introduced more efficient ways of working and have adapted their careers to suit their strengths, values and ideal lifestyle.


I’m a Career Strategist — part coach, part consultant, part mentor

∗ As a certified coach, I’ll help you work through the fears, doubts and insecurities holding you back. We’ll shift your existing beliefs and behaviours to create new ways of thinking and permanent, transformative changes.

∗ I’m also a people development expert — HR qualified, with a decade of experience in recruitment. I’ve advised many corporations and professional services firms on their people development needs and guided hundreds of leaders to manage, develop and transition their careers. Strategy is my superpower and I’ll support you to create a structured career plan to reduce risk and make your vision a reality.

∗ As your mentor, I’m someone who has lived your journey in every possible way. I’ve changed careers twice, navigated a corporate career, launched a successful consultancy and then pivoted an existing business into more sustainable, aligned work. Using my signature career framework, I’ll show you how to do the same. 


All my life, I could never settle on the one thing I wanted to do when I grew up. But one fact was clear: I knew I wanted to have my own business one day.

My dad inspired me — he’d achieved amazing success as a business owner. Although it took many more years to work out what type of business, the desire and goal was there from a very early age.


I started out in the corporate world working in advertising sales, for a London based publishing company. On my return to Australia, I joined a global consulting firm as a corporate recruiter. Sales came pretty naturally to me and I couldn’t believe I got paid to talk to people all day!

Over five and a half years, I grew my division into one of the highest performing businesses in the region. On the outside, I was ‘successful’: achieving record sales results over consecutive years, multiple promotions and plenty of financial success. And for a while, I loved it.

“But it came at a cost… My life became all about work.”

On the inside, I was driving myself to achieve the next sales target, financial result or promotion, was constantly stressed and exhausted. The dream of starting my own business had also never disappeared. Craving more freedom, I decided to go out on my own and reap the benefits of all my hard work.


As someone who is naturally risk averse, I took the time to do my due diligence before starting my own recruitment consulting business. Once I knew my venture was financially viable, I went for it!

“Starting a business is one of the most terrifying steps I’ve ever taken, but also the most rewarding. I made so many mistakes in the early years, was petrified of failing and constantly second guessed my decision to leave a steady, well-paid corporate job!”

But I knew this was the path I needed to follow. Through a lot of hard work and determination, I quickly replaced my corporate salary and taught myself everything I needed to know to build a business. I achieved success beyond my wildest expectations and remain extremely proud of what I created.

Still, the journey wasn’t always easy. In addition to doing the work, I was now also working on the business. Working longer hours than I ever had in the corporate world, surviving on very little sleep, trying to do everything myself.

I started my business because I wanted more freedom and balance — yet I had none. I was struggling with stress, burnout and anxiety running my own business – just as I had in my corporate career.


After a decade in recruitment and 5 years running my business, I felt like something was missing. I was dreading Monday’s and struggled finding the motivation to get up for work each day. As an ambitious, high-achiever this was unusual and I knew I needed more than just a break.

And I realised — although I loved being my own boss and was making great money, I didn’t enjoy the work. In that moment, I knew I had to find something more rewarding and fulfilling.


Then I started working with an Executive Career Coach to figure out what I wanted to do next. For the first time ever, I considered what meaningful work looked like to me. Using my knowledge and expertise to positively impact people’s lives — and show them how to transform their careers too.

I also recognised the pattern of working myself into burnout, which led me to completely overhaul my lifestyle and change my business model. After months of strategically exploring different career paths, I retrained as a professional coach and launched my coaching business in 2018.

For the first time ever, I felt like I’d found the career I was born to do!


Out of the blue, my Dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer. For the next 12 months, spending time with him became my top priority. And while this period and then his loss impacted my ability to build my new business in the first couple of years, I have absolutely no regrets.

Because designing my career around my life and what’s most important to me gave us the ability to spend precious time together. What I learnt through this experience is there’s more to life than working hard and making money. I also want to do work that’s fulfilling, impactful and supports my life.

This set me on a mission to help other high-achievers redefine what success looks like to them and create their careers by design, not default.


Taking everything I learnt along the way, I designed a structured process to help leaders use their existing expertise to make a purposeful shift in a new direction.

My approach is highly strategic and the systems used in my coaching programs build clarity, confidence, and guarantee results. I look forward to sharing what I’ve learnt from my own journey to success to help you achieve the same!

Ready to work together? Let’s get started now.


1:1 coaching for high-achievers at a crossroads in their careers. Find the work which lights you up, increase your income, impact and create a career on your terms.


Career management and career planning programs to progress and retain your high-performers, so that you futureproof your business.

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