The 3 biggest roadblocks to avoid to achieve your goals

Jul 18, 2024

Feeling unfulfilled, stagnated — or rethinking what you want next in your career?

Right now, I’m noticing a lot of talented people are finding the market tough and feeling out of control in their careers.

So recently, I hosted a brand new masterclass to help you take back control of your career in uncertain times. One of the strategies I talked about was the three biggest roadblocks to avoid to achieve your career goals now — and in future.

And because it resonated with so many participants, I wanted to share it with you in this post.

In this article you’ll read a snippet of the live masterclass transcript, where I share the secret to overcoming these roadblocks so you can take ownership of your career.

You’ll discover exactly how to implement your career plan regardless of external circumstances or the current environment.

Have you ever jumped in your car, arrived at your destination — only to realise, you had no idea how you got there?

This is the function of the Reticular Activating System (RAS), the part of your brain which filters out unnecessary information and automates behaviour, so only the important information gets through. This explains why I was able to get back on a bike and ride around Rottnest Island for the first time in 20 years — as I channelled that ten-year old tearing round my neighbourhood!

Through neuroscience, we know over 90% of thoughts are subconscious, meaning they’re operating on autopilot in the background. The stories we tell ourselves are powerful. A thought on repeat becomes a belief, which influences your feelings and behaviour. Your actions (or inaction) then impact your results.

Here’s how to know if these subconscious beliefs and behaviours are holding YOU back. If you’ve been telling yourself any version of:


I need to have the ‘perfect’ plan and every step mapped out before I can get started. The three biggest self-sabotaging behaviours I see amongst high-achievers — otherwise known as the ‘3 P’s’ are: perfectionism, procrastination and people-pleasing. This first one is an example of perfectionism which RESULTS in procrastination and stops you taking action.


I just need to research ONE more thing or think about what I want a bit longer. This is classic procrastination: you’re stuck in analysis paralysis which delays action. Procrastination can also be a form of control — because you fear uncertainty and struggle to let go.


It’s not the right time to make a change, or I’ll do it when… I’ve completed this project, return from leave, the kids at school full-time (or insert your condition or timeframe).

This one often comes up when you’re terrified of failing and throwing away everything you’ve invested into your current career — so it’s safer to stay where you are. It’s important to consider your current season or life stage — but notice if you keep putting something off indefinitely and using the ‘time excuse’ out of FEAR.

#4 — I ‘SHOULD’ DO…

I ‘can’t’, ‘have to’ or ‘should’ do XYZ. Anytime you hear this restrictive, disempowering language, you’re focused on what you think you ‘should’ do and disconnected from what you really WANT. The source of this is people pleasing and a lack boundaries because you’re putting everything else and everyone else’s needs ahead of your own


You’re worried about what others will think. You fear people will judge if you do things differently or step away from a ‘successful’ career. This a natural human instinct, once critical to your survivalPerfectionism is another struggle which can stop you in your tracks.


You lack self- belief. You’re writing off potential career ideas as unrealistic BEFORE exploring or validating them. OR telling yourself a certain career path is unavailable to YOU


Next, let’s look at the roadblocks that can STOP you reaching your goals or implementing your career plan.


Number one is about regular, effective communication with your employer/manager about your career goals and development. You’re either not having ONGOING conversations, so these are limited to a formal performance review once and twice a year… OR, the focus is on your current role and performance.

Many leaders I work with feel like they’ve hit the ceiling in their current company or profession. Others think the career path they want isn’t available in their current organisation. But often, they haven’t shared their goals or investigated the internal options which exist!


You’re getting stuck in the ‘busyness’ of short-term tasks or your daily to-do list and aren’t prioritising time towards your long-term career goals and development. You could be telling yourself you’re too busy, don’t have time — or your team is under resourced.


Your fears, doubts and limiting beliefs are holding you back from taking action. For example, being scared to reach out and build a new connection because you lack confidence or are worried what they’ll think.

A limiting belief could be: ‘I’m not qualified or smart enough to put my hand up to lead that project’. It’s limiting in the sense it’s untrue and unhelpful. There’s no evidence to support it and it holds you back from what you want!


Self-management is the secret to overcoming these roadblocks and achieving your career goals. Self-management is different to time management. While HOW you prioritise your time is important, this is less about productivity tips and time-management hacks in the traditional sense.

As a concept, time management is very logical. The neo-cortex is the part of the brain responsible for rational thoughts, not behaviour. Knowing WHAT you want: setting a goal, having a plan and using the logical part of your mind is not enough.

The REAL solution is self-management. Taking personal responsibility for your beliefs, behaviours and results — as well as what you CHOOSE to give your time and energy to.

Your limbic brain is responsible for your emotions, decision-making & behaviour. When you also connect to your motivations, desires and the ‘WHY’ behind what you want, it appeals to the emotional part of your brain which drives your behaviour and actions. This ensures you implement your career plan and get the results you want.

So HOW do you do this?

Here’s the first step: Become aware of your roadblocks and consciously choose HOW to respond. This final piece to taking back control of your career is about shifting your mindset and making the subconscious, conscious.

Ask yourself: What’s holding you back from reaching your goal? And what about this goal is important to you?

Then consider: What will you CHOOSE to do instead?

Remember: You can’t control others or external circumstances, only yourself and how you respond to them. THIS is within YOUR complete control.


Here’s an example of a client who in his own words was, “caught up in the hamster wheel of short-term tasks and daily work responsibilities” and I know you will relate to their situation.

This client is ambitious, hardworking and often prioritised work (and their employer) over the rest of their life. But for someone so full of potential, he admitted he was ‘coasting’ in his career. Because he was so focused on getting the job done, he was letting his career unfold without considering his long-term goals and development.

When we started working together, he’d lost touch with who he was, didn’t know what he wanted next in his career — and generally lacked purpose in his work and life. We uncovered that the real reason he avoided making big commitments was because deep down, he feared failing.

Because if he started dreaming bigger, declared his desired direction and went after it — what would happen if he didn’t achieve it? How would others perceive him? Especially when he was already seen as a ‘success’.

THIS is why it felt safer to coast in his current career.

Once this client became aware of the fear holding him back, he had a choice: stay on the same track — or step into the discomfort in pursuit of what he wanted. He chose to overcome this mindset block by taking small, consistent actions. As a result, he’s moved into his desired role, is taking ownership of his career — and no longer view career management as an afterthought to his day job!

Now you know how taking control of their career worked for this client, consider what it would mean for YOUR career. What’s one insight you have or action you’ll take as a result?

So there you have it — the 3 biggest roadblocks to avoid to reach your career goals. These insights have helped my clients and I overcome these roadblocks and take ownership of our careers. I hope they support you too!

Want help to take back control of your career and reach your goals? 

Book your free 30 minute consult HERE and let’s discuss the best option to support you!

Stacey Back is a Career Strategist, Leadership Coach + Founder of Profile Careers. She helps high-achievers at a career crossroads find the work that lights them up, increase their income, impact and create a career + life on their terms. Stacey works virtually with individuals and organisations based across the globe.