3 proven ways to determine if a company is the right fit for YOU

Sep 12, 2024

Too many people stay stuck in a career or role which no longer serves them — out of fear they’ll end up in a worse situation.

So what steps can you take when considering a change to confirm a potential employer is the right fit for YOU?

At a conference earlier this year, someone asked: “How do you ensure a potential employer’s values align to your own?”

This was after I’d taken participants through an exercise to clarify their personal values and how to use them in their career.

But before I answer it here, I want to address the REAL underlying issue at the root of this question. Digging deeper, I discovered this individual had a bad experience with management in her previous position. She felt misled by the leaders of the organisation when the role failed to meet her expectations.

As a result, she was worried about making the ‘wrong’ choice in future. And it’s a common challenge many of my clients experience too…

Yet here’s the truth: There’s no such thing as a ‘wrong’ role — because your knowledge, skills and experience always go with you. However, there are strategies to reduce risk with your next career step

Read on to discover the number one mindset shift and 3 practical strategies you can take to find the right fit — and minimise risk with your move! 

​Let’s start with shifting your mindset and why it’s the foundation.

So many talented people I speak to think there’s a ‘wrong’ move — and it’s a limiting belief I had for years too…

I stayed in my corporate career too long, despite dreaming of starting my own business. Later I held onto a career I wasn’t happy with, driven by the fear of ‘better the devil you know’.

Can YOU relate? You fear making the ‘wrong choice’ when transitioning careers — and this keeps you stuck in an unfulfilling situation.

As a high-achiever, I know you desire certainty and confidence when making a move. You want to regain control of your professional life, feel fulfilled at work and grow a successful career.

The bottom line is: You can choose to stay stuck in fear — or to take a calculated risk towards a fulfilling future!

So here’s the reframe: You can never make the ‘wrong’ move or lose your existing knowledge, skills and experience. Because each role is an opportunity to learn, as you add to your experience and take your skills wherever you go.

When you understand there’s no ‘wrong’ move, you will find an organisation and role which is the right fit for YOU!

So now we’ve set the foundation by shifting your mindset, let’s talk about practical strategies.

The participant I mentioned at the top of this episode had been burnt by a past employer. So what she could do throughout the interview process and before accepting a job to determine it was the right fit?

Because everybody’s putting their best foot forward during an interview. Especially a potential employer who wants to ‘sell’ the opportunity to you. So how can you assess the values of a hiring manager when you’re external to the organisation?

Here are 3 steps to minimise risk and ensure your prospective employer is the right fit:


Many organisations include their company values in the job advert or on their website. Show you’ve done your research by referencing these values and asking questions about them at interview.

For example: “I see one of your organisational values is X (it could be integrity, innovation or inclusion). Can you give me an example of how you put this value into practice in the workplace or within this team?”

Also, ask specific questions to understand the team and organisational culture, scope of the role and the hiring manager’s leadership style. Some examples include:

  • “How would you describe the level of autonomy and authority to make decisions?”
  • “What does success look like in this role?”, and
  • “How do you like to communicate and delegate work?”

When you ask the right questions, you will know if an organisation is aligned to YOUR values.


It’s often said people leave managers, not jobs. In fact, Gallup discovered over 70% of disengagement is linked to an individual’s direct manager.

This is why it’s critical to find out how your potential manager’s leadership style aligns with YOUR values. Talking to peers at your level can give you another perspective on your manager, the team and organisational culture.

Here’s a pro tip: The first interview will likely be with the hiring manager and a HR person. If you move forward to a second interview or the company intends to make you an offer, ask to meet with potential colleagues for coffee. It’s an opportunity to get to know your future team AND understand more about the culture.

Learn what their leader is like to work for and how they’d describe their personality. Do they have a collaborative style — or are they a micro-manager? Are they fairly hands off, giving you the freedom to work quite independently?

Also, ask questions to ascertain what it’s like to work in this organisation and team: “How would you describe the company culture?” or “What is the team culture like — and could you give me some specific examples?”

You can also uncover what your future colleagues enjoy and find challenging about their role, team or employer. Clarify the working hours, flexibility and benefits. Understand how their position and team fits into the company’s wider mission, values and strategy.

Because when you talk to the team, you will make sure the leadership is the right fit for YOU.


Finally, look beyond existing team members by speaking to past employees or people who know the leader you’d be working for. You can also talk to current staff across the company to get a broader range of viewpoints.

However, always use your own judgement and don’t write off an organisation based on one person’s experience.

Here’s an example. Back in my recruitment days, some lawyers would blacklist certain firms due to their reputation of having a ‘facetime’ culture. Yet, I’ve placed junior lawyers into particular teams within some of these companies others would avoid — and they’re still there several years later.

The point is everyone’s interaction with a leader or company is different — and what matters most is finding a fit for YOU.

When you do your research and get a range of perspectives, you will determine if a potential employer is the perfect fit!

So there you have it. The top 3 strategies to take ownership of your next career move. My hope is this encourages you to consider your own values and what you REALLY want in your career.

Remember: You can minimise risk by taking proactive steps to find the right fit. But you must ALSO be willing to embrace discomfort to grow!

Want to overcome the fear of making the ‘wrong’ choice and develop the clarity, confidence and a strategy to take back ownership of your career?

Click HERE to book a free 30 minute consult and find out how coaching with me can support you!

Stacey Back is a Career Strategist, Leadership Coach + Founder of Profile Careers. She helps high-achievers at a career crossroads find the work that lights them up, increase their income, impact and create a career + life on their terms. Stacey works virtually with individuals and organisations based across the globe.