Create a personalised plan to get unstuck, minimise fear and risk — and reach your career goals with confidence

You’re ambitious, successful and have worked hard to get to where you are in your career. You’ve followed a conventional career path, been intentional about your development and hit every big goal you’ve set for yourself.

At this stage, you’re reassessing your direction and are ready to reach ‘the next level’ in your career. The only problem is, you aren’t sure how to get there — and you need a plan, now!

Together, we’ll take you from overwhelmed to creating a customised career plan so you can start taking intentional action and get results, fast!

1 month to your personalised plan

This one month career intensive is the perfect solution if you’re not after long-term coaching, or you’re an existing client wanting to update your development plan for the next 3-6 months. It’s designed to help you rapidly create a plan to advance your career or find a new role — a personalised career plan you can immediately implement!


1. Clear on your goals — but aren’t sure how to reach them? 

  • Ready to ‘get to the next level’ in your career, yet you’re confused about the steps to take — and in what order? 
  • Unclear if the career path you want is even available in your current organisation?
  • Overwhelmed and unsure where to start?

2. Stuck at a career crossroads and need a plan?

  • Reassessing your direction and wondering where you can go next at this stage of your career?
  • Noticing external constraints — the market, number of available opportunities — are impacting your career progression? 
  • Finding you’ve hit a ceiling in your current company or profession and need to create a plan for the next phase of your career?

3. Searching for a new job and want support to secure your next position?

  • Struggling with your job search strategy, including how to identify target companies and use your network to land your next role?
  • Ready to understand your unique value proposition and how to market yourself to potential employers?
  • Wanting to know how to prepare for interviews or negotiate your new job offer with confidence?

You spend a third of your life at work and your career has a big impact on your quality of life. Go from overwhelmed to creating a structured plan to reach your career goals, fast!


  • Clarifying your vision and top career goals, with a clear timeline and milestones

  • Knowing the exact steps to take to create the career (and life) you want

  • Identifying your top values so you can stay true to your priorities and make the right career decisions

  • Confidently communicating your unique strengths, transferrable skills and getting paid your worth

  • Stepping into your next promotion or new position without imposter syndrome

  • Carving out time to implement your career plan to stay motivated and reach your goals

“Coaching with Stacey is like having someone convert the craziness in your head into a very clear, simple and concise plan. Then, having a person bring you back to centre if you veer off course as you put that plan into action.” 

Jacinta, Legal Consultant

Light Up Your Career is a one month coaching intensive to help you create your career plan so you can get unstuck, minimise fear and risk — and reach your goals with confidence! 

Here’s how it works

Initial Preparation

You’ll complete a questionnaire and short career exercise which you’ll return to me 48 hours ahead of our first coaching session. This will help you reflect on your current situation and what you want next, so you start making progress before we even meet!

90 minute Strategy Session

We’ll come together for your initial 90 minute coaching session, which will be customised to your requirements. I’ll walk you through my Career Gap Analysis framework to assess your current career, clarify your vision, goals and development areas. We’ll also identify at least 3 action steps for you to work on over the next fortnight.

60 minute coaching session

Two weeks later, we’ll meet for your second 60 minute coaching session. Although this session will also be tailored to your needs, we’ll dive deeper into your top values, unique strengths, transferrable skills — and how to apply these to your career. We’ll also finalise your career plan with clear goals, milestones and action steps which you can immediately implement.

Post Call Support

Following each coaching session, I’ll send you through a summary of the key takeaways, your action steps for the fortnight ahead and a copy of the recording for you to refer back to. You’ll also receive email support from me between sessions. That’s access to me for a full 30 days to ask questions and navigate any challenges as you start to execute your action plan.

30 minute Accountability Call

We’ll do a follow-up call at the end of the month to review your actions and progress. This final check-in is an opportunity to get further support, keep you accountable and on track to your goals.

Investment: $1,697 AUD (plus GST for Australian clients). Limited time offer: 2 month program for $2,000 AUD (plus GST)*

*Includes a BONUS 60 minute coaching call (valued at $597 AUD) AND unlimited email support for an additional month. 

Next Steps

I’ve opened up 5 spots in this limited time, 2 month coaching container on a first come, first served basis. Ready to secure your spot? Here’s what to do next:

1. Click the ‘Make an enquiry’ button below and I’ll get back to within 24 hours (during business hours)
2. You’ll receive payment details to secure your spot. Once payment is received, we’ll schedule your sessions and I’ll send through your initial preparation
3. All short-term coaching packages are non-refundable. If you’d like to discuss if this program is right for you, let me know below and we can arrange a free, no-obligation 30 minute consult


“Before coaching with Stacey, I felt dissatisfied with my career situation, frustrated and like I was floundering with little direction about where to go next. I wanted clarity on my strengths and values, to align these to my work and find direction in my career.

I had light bulb moments each and every session! I’ve got clarity on what I’m actually good at, so I’m focused on growing my strengths — and waste less time worrying about or trying to make up for my weaknesses. I feel satisfied in my work again and excited about what the future holds for me in my career!”

Manager, Consulting Firm

“Coaching with Stacey is like unwrapping negative layers of inhibitions to discover what you want and need out of your career. She had strategies, creative ideas and helpful exercises that assisted me in discerning my personal values and purpose and forging a career path that honours these. I felt reassured about my career potential and confident about myself and my abilities.” 

Linda, Legal Consultant

Make an Enquiry

Complete the application form below to learn more about the Light Up Your Career program. I look forward to meeting you!