5 simple ways to finish the year strong
Can you believe it’s almost December?!
It’s a fun, yet busy time filled with endless social events, holiday preparations and work projects we rush to complete before Christmas.
No wonder many of us are feeling a little depleted (or completely exhausted) at this stage of the year!
With a month left of 2019 — and this decade — it’s natural to start planning for the year ahead. And to consider what we still want to accomplish before the new year.
So, how do you finish the year strong and set yourself up for success in the new year?
Read on to learn 5 simple ways to help you stay on track and power through the rest of this year.

Start by getting focused on your primary goals. Your time is a precious resource, especially during this busy period. It’s therefore crucial to dedicate the final few weeks of the year to your most important projects.
To get clear on where to spend your time, consider the following questions:
- What tasks do you want to finish by the end of the year?
- What one project — if completed in the next month — will set you up for success next year?
- What’s the most important goal to focus on now to radically move your business forward in the new decade?
It’s natural to feel exhausted and ready for a break by the end of November. You may be overwhelmed by everything you need to do before the end of the year. Or, perhaps you’ve got no idea where to start.
The key to staying motivated and on track with your goals is to break each project or task down into smaller steps.
Ask yourself — What’s my next, best step right now?
This is one of my favourite questions to ask my coaching clients whenever they’re feeling under pressure, stuck or uncertain. And it’s one I ask myself on a regular basis!
Taking the very first step is often all you need to get clear and move into action. Identify the ONE best step you can take in any given moment to keep moving ahead. Step by step.
This is a concept from the book by Brian Tracy. The idea is to start each day by tackling your biggest, most important task. This eliminates procrastination, ensures your time is spent on critical work and gets you closer towards accomplishing your goals.
Choose one important task to complete each day and prioritise it. Identify it the night before so you don’t begin your day wondering where to start. Then take action — get it done before moving on to anything else.
Today is the Thanksgiving Day holiday in the US, a time when millions of Americans celebrate what they’re grateful for. Studies show gratitude is proven to increase happiness, motivation levels and improve wellbeing. Making it a daily practice will support us all — especially during busy and stressful periods.
So, take a moment to celebrate your success on a daily basis. At the end of each workday, write down at least one thing you’re celebrating or grateful for. Even if it’s simply making it out of bed that day — or being thankful for your morning coffee!
This one is a non-negotiable.
To reach your goals and finish the year off strong, finding space is essential. Regardless how busy you are, carve out time in your schedule for yourself. Do the things you enjoy, rest — and just be.
Finally, learn to say no. Be picky about the invitations you accept and who or what you’re giving your time to.
Before taking something on, always do a quick internal check and pay close attention to the feelings in your body. Does this event or activity fill you with excitement and lightness — or feelings of dread and stress? Those internal feelings are a clear sign of where you should be spending your time!
The lead up to Christmas and end of year stretch is always busy and at times, it can be overwhelming. These simple tips have helped my clients and I enjoy the process, stay focused on our goals and finish every year strong. I hope they support you too!
Ready to make 2020 your best year yet?!
Click HERE to book a free 30 minute consult to find out how coaching with me can support you!
Stacey Back is a Career Strategist, Leadership Coach + Founder of Profile Careers. She helps high-achievers at a career crossroads find the work that lights them up, increase their income, impact and create a career + life on their terms. Stacey works virtually with individuals and organisations based across the globe.