2022 Reflections: My 3 greatest lessons — and how they’ll help YOU

Dec 15, 2022

Does January feel like a distant memory to you — yet 2022 seems to have FLOWN by?

I know it has for me. At a Christmas lunch on 1 December, someone asked: ‘How was your year?’

Not only did I struggle to answer this question, but I couldn’t even fathom it was December — let alone nearing the end of the year!

Can you relate?

2022 has been an unusual, contrasting year, full of both highs and lows. We’re still processing all the change and upheaval of the past few years and adjusting to life in a post pandemic world.

To top it off, we’ve also faced more uncertainty and some big global challenges: extreme weather events, war, rising costs of living and worldwide supply chain issues (to name a few!).

So it’s not surprising people are feeling exhausted and ready for a break.

But before you put this all behind you and start planning for 2023, I believe it’s important to look back. Last week, a client shared how our coaching sessions have allowed her to slow down throughout the year and acknowledge how far she’s come.

How often do you stop to reflect on and celebrate what you’ve accomplished?

I know it’s common for high-achievers, to always be looking ahead to the ‘next thing’. So at the end of each year, I love to take the opportunity to reflect on what I learnt — and what I’ll be taking with me into the next one.

Read on to discover my 3 biggest lessons (and honest confessions) for 2022. Find out what worked, what didn’t — and how these lessons can help you!


One of my biggest takeaways for 2022 is redefining what success means to me. In last year’s lessons, I spoke about narrowing my business focus to coaching high-achievers at a career crossroads. This level of clarity led me to launch my signature coaching program, Ignite Your Career and new career development workshops in 2021.

2022 has seen me continue to double down on this work. I’ve found even greater clarity around the clients I’m best placed to support, the problem I solve and unique solutions I provide. Some of the highlights included:

  • Positive feedback and results from private and corporate clients, client renewals and referrals
  • Supporting new/existing private clients at a high-touch level to transform their careers
  • Presenting for ALPMA again in 2022, as well as new clients including Suncorp Group and Origin Energy
  • Running a series of trainings for Origin Energy as part of the roll-out of their new career development program

Through the process of clarifying what I want (and letting go of what I don’t), I’ve redefined what success means looks like to me. This has reignited my passion to support others to do the same.

I’ve reconnected to my mission: helping high-performers redefine success and create a career (and life) on their terms. This sense of purpose kept me focused and motivated, even during challenging times.

I’m noticing a lot of clients, friends and peers have also stepped into a new level of clarity around what they want in their careers (and lives) this year. After the uncertainty of the past few years, they’re done thinking about it. They’ve decided what they want and are ready to take action towards it in 2023!

The lesson for you is this… When you redefine what success looks like, you will get unstuck and clarify your direction.

•  What does success mean to YOU? What do you want in your career (and life)?
•  And what’s one step you can take to start to create it in 2023? 


My biggest lesson this year was deepening my level of self-trust, confidence in my decisions and what’s right for me. In my 2021 review, I talked about learning to trust myself — instead of looking to others for answers or direction as I’d done in the past.

The ‘theme’ word I chose for 2022 was TRUST. And it was fitting, as it was something I leaned into throughout the year!

I value certainty and the many moments of unpredictability created a lot of anxiety. At times, my self-belief became shaky. But by focusing on what I CAN control and choosing to fully trust myself, I was able to navigate any uncertainty.

In 2022, I’ve stepped into a new level of trust and belief in the value I provide through my work. Plus, the unique coaching process and framework I’ve developed. With further clarity around who I support and how, I’m truly owning my space and communicating with much more authority.

As a result, I’ve built growing recognition as a career development expert through my thought leadership and media. Publications I’ve contributed to in 2022 include: the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph, Courier Mail, Fairygodboss and LinkedIn News.

It’s taken a few years of testing things out or trying to follow other people’s strategies — which didn’t seem to fit. But as 2022 comes to a close, I know what’s best for me. Because when you step into complete self-trust, you will find clarity, direction and create the career you want with confidence.

Consider — Are you looking outside yourself for answers? Where do you need to start trusting yourself in your career and life?


A big realisation I’ve come to in 2022 is the impact of taking tiny steps, continuously over time. 2021 was all about visibility and making massive leaps outside my comfort zone. So in comparison, this year didn’t feel quite so profound.

I took a lot of seemingly small steps throughout the year. But as I look back on 2022, it’s resulted in some significant inroads into projects which have been on my list for 12+ months! I started a YouTube channel, created a brand new audio training, did a website and brand refresh, and launched a free monthly masterclass (which I’ll run regularly in 2023!).

Each project took a lot of creative energy — and time to grasp the technology and automation. This required me to get messy, experiment and move past perfectionism and self-doubt. As a high-achiever who has a tendency to look ahead, it was a lesson in the power of taking smaller, incremental daily steps.

Reflecting on all I’ve accomplished in 2022 has given me the evidence to see what’s possible and what I have the capacity to execute. This has led the way for even more exciting initiatives and creative projects in 2023. Some which I’ve also been talking about for years!

The bottom-line is this. When you take small steps, consistently, you will create big results over time.

Consider — What projects or results did you achieve which you haven’t yet acknowledged? And what daily habits or actions led to these outcomes?

So, there you have it. The 3 game-changing lessons I’ve learnt during another extraordinary year. My hope is you can learn from my experiences and celebrate your year too.

Next week, I’ll be sharing my annual Christmas bonus to wrap up the year. A simple year-end reflection to help you review your year and get ready for 2023!

Ready to create a career on your terms in 2022?

Book your free 30 minute session to experience some coaching with me and see if we’re a fit to work together!

It’s my Christmas gift to you!🎁 Get started HERE.

Stacey Back is a Career Strategist, Leadership Coach + Founder of Profile Careers. She helps high-achievers at a career crossroads find the work that lights them up, increase their income, impact and create a career + life on their terms. Stacey works virtually with individuals and organisations based across the globe.