#22: Are You Settling? How To Take Back Control Of Your Career Success

Sep 5, 2024

Are you settling in your career?

I recently saw an Instagram post talking about the ‘dream job’ being dead. It encouraged people to take a role which was ‘good enough’ — one which funds your life OUTSIDE work.

And I get why this advice may resonate in the current economic climate.

I think it’s absolutely fundamental to make sure your financial needs are met, have a strategy and minimise risk with any move. But this DOESN’T mean you have to settle in your career.

And this is exactly what I’m discussing on today’s podcast…

As a high-performer, I know your career is important to you and a big part of your identity. So though the concept of a ‘dream career’ may seem unrealistic — I don’t agree that you have to ‘work to live’ or settle for a job which doesn’t challenge or fulfill you.

Because here’s the truth… You spend a THIRD of your life at work and your career has a big impact on your quality of life.

I believe it’s completely possible to do the work which lights you up, make an impact AND get paid well for it.

So HOW do you do this? By taking ownership of your career!

In today’s episode, you’ll discover the 5 essential first steps to take back control of your career — regardless of the economy, job market or your current life season.

You’ll learn:

  • 3 common (and often surprising) ways high-achievers settle in their careers — and what YOU can do about it
  • The biggest mistake people make when managing their careers and how doing the opposite will get you back in control of your career
  • Exactly what’s keeping you stuck in your career — and my top tip to find clarity and take control of your direction
  • The danger of waiting for a promotion or the market to improve and why starting NOW is key
  • How to develop your current career — even if you’re happy, don’t have time or aren’t looking to move roles right now
  • Why having a plan is vital and practical steps you can take outside your day job to find fulfillment and set yourself up for future career success

So hit play on this episode NOW and let’s dive in!

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Connect and learn from me further:

>> Check out Ignite Your Career, my signature program to help high-achievers at a career crossroads find the work which lights them up, increase their income, impact and create a career on their terms.

If you’re interested in working together in the second half of 2024, I invite you to book a free 30 minute call with me.

>> Not sure where to start? Get instant access to the Career Decision Guide to find clarity on your next career step.

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