Stacey’s Insights

Practical career strategies, mindset tips and insights on leadership and running a business, with Stacey Back.

7 revealing signs of career growth you need to know

7 revealing signs of career growth you need to know

How often do YOU pay attention to your career growth and development? Research shows employees want access to advancement opportunities at work. In fact, Gallup has linked record rates of disengagement to a lack of career development. Meanwhile, McKinsey found it's...

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Feeling like a fraud? How to master imposter syndrome

Feeling like a fraud? How to master imposter syndrome

Have you ever felt like a fraud? Like, you’ve never had to work for anything you’ve ever achieved -- and it’s only a matter of time before people work it out? If so, you’re not alone. Imposter syndrome impacts all of us from time to time, regardless how experienced...

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How to make a successful career change in your 30’s & 40’s

How to make a successful career change in your 30’s & 40’s

Want to change careers in your 30’s, 40’s, 50’s -- or beyond? I believe it’s never too late to make a change -- EVEN if you’re established in your field, successful at what you do and 10+ years into your career. Whether you’re going through a big life transition, have...

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