Stacey’s Insights
Practical career strategies, mindset tips and insights on leadership and running a business, with Stacey Back.
How to conquer the 3 toughest interview questions with confidence
Recently, I was coaching an executive leader who asked: “What are the most common questions which trip people up in an interview -- especially at the executive level?” And I thought it would be a great topic to unpack further. Because what I’m noticing is there’s a...
3 proven ways to determine if a company is the right fit for YOU
Too many people stay stuck in a career or role which no longer serves them — out of fear they’ll end up in a worse situation. So what steps can you take when considering a change to confirm a potential employer is the right fit for YOU? At a conference earlier this...
Are you settling? How to take back control of your career success
Let me ask you a question. Are you settling in your career? The other day I saw an Instagram post about the ‘dream job’ being dead. It encouraged people to accept a role which was ‘good enough’. One which is well paid and funds your life OUTSIDE work. And I get why...
5 ways to stay authentic and adapt your leadership style
I recently caught up with two previous coaching clients -- who also happen to be former colleagues. One shared a question they'd both been pondering about leadership style. A question which neither of them had a clear answer to: How do you stay authentic as a leader,...
4 ways to beat productivity guilt and enjoy career success
Do you find it difficult to slow down or take a break? Ever feel guilty for not being 'productive'? If so, you're not alone. Back in January, someone asked what I’d got up to over the summer holidays. I was a surprised to find myself a little embarrassed to admit that...
The 3 biggest roadblocks to avoid to achieve your goals
Feeling unfulfilled, stagnated -- or rethinking what you want next in your career? Right now, I'm noticing a lot of talented people are finding the market tough and feeling out of control in their careers. So recently, I hosted a brand new masterclass to help you take...
Struggling to get results? 5 reasons you fail to take action
Ever felt like you’re all talk -- and no action?! Today, I’m sharing the REAL reason you’re struggling to take action and get the results you’re after. I don’t know how it happened, but we’re officially HALF-WAY through 2024! July also marks the start of a brand new...
How to clarify your purpose — 6 practical tips you need to know
Ever asked yourself: What is my purpose? It’s a big, deep question and if you’ve ever contemplated it, it can be difficult to answer. When my clients express the desire to ‘find their purpose’, what they’re asking is how they can feel more fulfilled in their work and...
7 revealing signs of career growth you need to know
How often do YOU pay attention to your career growth and development? Research shows employees want access to advancement opportunities at work. In fact, Gallup has linked record rates of disengagement to a lack of career development. Meanwhile, McKinsey found it's...
Want clarity on your next career step?
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