Celebrating ONE year of the podcast: My lessons & top 3 episodes to support YOU!
Do you have a big goal or project you’ve been dreaming about for YEARS — yet for some reason, you keep putting it off?
Launching a podcast was on my priority list since 2018. But I’d tell myself the tech was too difficult or I didn’t have time. Then suddenly, another year had gone by and I still hadn’t started!
Well in late October 2023, I drew a line in the sand and decided: I was going to launch by the end of November. I ended up turning this project around within weeks, publishing the first episode on 8 November 2023.
And this week, we’re celebrating the one year milestone of The Career By Design Podcast!
It’s been a labour of love creating these episodes for you every fortnight. And I want to extend a heartfelt thanks to every one of you who has listened, shared or reviewed this podcast in the past 12 months.
Whether you’ve tuned in from the very beginning and have binged every episode — OR you’ve recently found this podcast, I truly appreciate you. I trust you’ve received plenty of value and practical strategies to create your career, your way!
So in honour of this milestone, I wanted to do something different this week by sharing the 3 most popular episodes from the past year.
In this article, I unpack my biggest reflections from recording this podcast over the past 12 months and how these lessons can support YOU. Then, I’ll finish by counting down the Top 3 episodes to help you take ownership of your career — now and in future.

Let’s start with the 4 biggest lessons I’ve learnt from launching this podcast…
As I shared above, I dreamt about starting a podcast for over 5 years. Yet the truth is, so many doubts held me back…
What would I talk about? I’m terrible with technology — how do I get started? And the big one: Who would even listen?
But I didn’t want to begin another year with this project still hanging on my to-do list. So last October I decided to face my fears and launch in November.
My initial plan was simple: publish an episode every Thursday fortnight, commit to 50 episodes and see how I like it. As it turns out I LOVED it! And after recording Episode 27 (over halfway to those 50 episodes), I have no plans of slowing down.
The biggest lesson I’ve learnt through this process is how much momentum you can make in a short space of time. When you commit to going ALL IN and taking action on your greatest goals!
So I want you to reflect on a critical career goal or project you’ve been putting off. What’s the ONE priority project that would make the biggest difference to your career and life in 2025 if you decided to go all in and take action on it NOW?
And what’s the first step you can take to get started this month? Your mission if you’re willing to accept is to find the courage to commit to it.
Because when you have the courage to take action, you will make serious headway on your big ambitions — in less time!
While I love the feeling of hitting publish on this podcast, the process of creating the final product isn’t always easy or enjoyable.
Here’s the behind the scenes reality. There have been many weeks where I’ve scrambled for content last minute or turned around episodes in less than a day. But it’s having a deeper purpose and a mission to share my knowledge to support others in their careers which keeps me going on those difficult days.
And the same principle applies to YOUR career. There will always be elements of your work you won’t enjoy or steps you take towards your goals that are tough.
But when you’re clear about the ‘why’ behind your career goals and have persistence — even through the challenges… you will create long-term success and the results you’re after.
This is the power of consistency. The small steps you take which compound over time and yield big results.
So here’s my challenge to you. What’s ONE small, consistent step you can put in place this month to get closer to your long-term career goals? Schedule it into your calendar NOW!
It’s taken a huge amount of commitment to produce this podcast over the past year — without missing a single deadline. It’s required me to show up through busy work periods, when travelling or dealing with unexpected health challenges.
I’ve edited episodes on planes, trains and automobiles. From car trips down south, trains across the English countryside and by the pool in Bali and Dubai!
Through this process, I’ve realised. Flexibility is the secret to staying committed to your goals. When it comes to YOUR career, adaptability are critical to overcoming challenges — and reaching your professional goals.
So ask yourself: How can you increase your commitment to a goal by becoming more flexible? And where do you need to find creative solutions to achieve the results you want in your career? Write down one idea and commit to testing it out!
When you combine an unwavering commitment AND a flexible approach, you will reach your greatest goals.
I often talk about the importance of celebrating the small steps towards your big goals to build confidence and motivation. And it’s exactly why I’m marking this one year anniversary (and the 27 episodes) — rather than waiting until I publish all 50 or hit a big 100 episode milestone!
Acknowledging and celebrating your career wins — whether big or small — is critical to maintain momentum. So I want to invite you to reflect on and celebrate your achievements over the past year.
What progress have you made towards a big career goal in the past 12 months? Which career milestone are you most proud of — and how will you celebrate? Will you take your loved ones out for a special dinner, crack open a bottle of bubbly or book a massage?
Write down the ONE thing you’re going to do to celebrate — and take action on it this week!
Remember, when you celebrate the progress TOWARDS your big aspirations, you will stay motivated — even during tough times!
Now I’ve shared my biggest launch lessons, let’s count down the Top 3 episodes from the past year.
There’s nothing like a good countdown. For as long as I can remember, I’ve LOVED listening to Triple J’s Hottest 100 each Australia Day. Or counting down the Top 50 music videos on rage every Saturday morning.
So, I’m going to reveal the most popular episodes from third place to number one. I’ll do a quick intro of each episode below and will include the links to all episodes in the show notes so you can check them out next!
#3 — 7 Sure-Fire Signs It’s Time To Change Careers
As you start thinking about your new year goals, you could be contemplating a change in 2025. Whether it’s some simple shifts to redesign your current role, making a move in your existing profession — or even changing careers completely.
But HOW do you know if now is the right time to make a change?
Having coached many individuals through their career changes and navigated two career transitions of my own, I’ve identified some common signs it’s time for a change.
In this episode, you’ll discover if making a move is right for YOU — and will walk away with clarity on your next steps. Listen in HERE.
#3 — 9 Surprising Mistakes Keeping You Stuck In The ‘Wrong’ Career
Tied at third spot is this bonus episode, where I talk about the biggest mistakes I see high-performers make. The things which keep them stuck in their careers and stop them reaching their professional goals.
Are YOU making one of these common career fails? Listen in to find out!
#2 — How To Create YOUR Career By Design
Are you finding yourself at a career crossroads? Feeling confused about your next career steps?
In this first ever episode, I share my signature Career By Design method which not only inspired the name of this podcast — but the entire philosophy behind it too.
I’ll give you some background on my journey to developing this method and how it helps my clients get unstuck, clarify their direction and create a career on their terms.
You’ll hear the specific steps I took to navigate a career crossroads and move from an established career into more meaningful work. PLUS, my honest struggles with overworking, burnout and career confusion which led me to redefine success and create my career by design.
Then, I break down the 3 pillars of Clarity, Confidence and Career Strategy — and HOW you can apply this method to YOUR career. So listen in HERE and let’s start creating YOUR career by design!
#1 — How To Change Careers In Your 30’s, 40’s — And Beyond!
What happens when you’re established and successful in your field and 10+ years into your career — but you’re finding yourself at a career crossroads? Whether you’re confused about your next career steps or have hit the ceiling in your current company or profession and are wondering where you can go next.
After supporting hundreds of people through their career transitions and changing careers twice, I understand how challenging it can be. The fear of making the wrong decision or throwing away everything invested into your current career can hold you back.
So if you’re stuck at a mid-career crossroads, WHAT do you do? In this episode, I share 7 simple steps to navigate a career change in your 30’s, 40’s, 50’s — and beyond. Listen in NOW to learn more!
So there you have it, my 4 biggest launch lessons and the most popular podcast episodes from the past year. My hope is these insights support YOUR big career ambitions. I also invite you to explore or re-listen to these episodes as you evaluate your career path!
Ready to build clarity, confidence and a personalised strategy to take back ownership of your career? Then the Ignite Your Career coaching program is for YOU.
Get started NOW to put a plan in place before Christmas, so you can relax over the break and start 2025 with momentum!
If you’d like to learn more, I invite you to book a free 30 minute call with me HERE.
Stacey Back is a career planning specialist, certified career coach + speaker. She helps high-achievers at a career crossroads find the work that lights them up, increase their income, impact and create a career + life on their terms. Stacey works virtually with individuals and organisations based across the globe.