#11: What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? How To Find Your Passion

Apr 4, 2024

Have you ever met someone who’s ALWAYS known what they want to be when they grew up?

From a young age, they had a clear passion which they followed. This shaped their decisions and actions, turning their dreams into reality.

Today, I’m answering one of the most common questions which comes up in my private coaching and corporate training programs: How do I find my passion?

It can be easy to compare yourself to these individuals — and feel frustrated as you go round in circles in search of your passion.

But here’s the truth… These people are the exception, not the majority.

However, what you can learn from them is when you’re clear on your direction, you can consciously create it. Understanding your interests gives you clues about what you want next — and helps you choose the right career path.

So, how do you work out what you want to be when YOU grow up?

In today’s episode, I’m sharing the 6 steps to finding your passion. You’ll discover what you truly want in your professional life — so you can craft your dream career too!

We’ll cover:

  • 3:18: The hidden secrets a ten year old can show you about the work which lights you up
  • 6:10: How reflecting on the past helps you pinpoint your passions
  • 7:29: Why endless research will not unlock your passions — and what to do instead
  • 7:55: The ONE strategy which led me to figure out my passions and what I wanted next in my career
  • 9:39: A practical way to identify your interests, develop transferable skills and clarify your direction
  • 10:22: The biggest block stopping YOU from uncovering your passions — and how to overcome it

This episode is a fun one, packed with plenty of stories and practical strategies. So hit play NOW and let’s dive in!

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